Normally I don't post anything during my trip on my site, tablet, no time, etc.
After contacting and visiting two memorial sites this week where I was told that the board had to decide at a subsequent board meeting if I could donate / leave a statue and send me back into the street with the statue, I couldn't resist to put this email listed below on my site.
You are an inspiration Hello I have just read your leaflet and plan to read more of the trip. Your website is beautiful and very organized. The important fact is the message and the tour itself. This tour is spectacular; the message behind it is mesmerizing. I feel the love and dedication you have for this tour and the meaning behind it. It is jaw-dropping and inspires me to pursue my dreams. I want to pay as much respect to your and all who are helping you achieve this dream of spreading awareness!
I just want to applaud your efforts because it is definitely important to preserve the history of what veterans have done for our country. These trophies and the tour itself is not only preserving the future, but it is laying down groundwork for the future! It is extremely important and I am glad to meet the mastermind behind it all. I wish you the best of luck, take care!
From the Perry, Fl Gas station cashier you happened to bless on your tour
